[9/14, 05:54] Dr. Harish Ravi: The get file list lure should have been the first thing I told..
[9/14, 06:04] Dr. Harish Ravi: The anger due to that and how to express..
[9/14, 06:16] Dr. Harish Ravi: Due to this experiment I stopped astrophysics experiments..
[9/14, 06:24] Dr. Harish Ravi: So my wish is to take CCD camera interface to telescope (perfect) and take 5 images note 2 protractor angles and then time evolve and measure 1 hour with stars/constalletions.. Not even proving helicentricity .
[9/14, 06:34] Dr. Harish Ravi: I wanted to see 3 hr movement of star constalletion by 45 degrees to verify like sun but always slept by 10 pm and didn't take notes..
[9/14, 06:35] Dr. Harish Ravi: For that you need a device made in class X with a tube cross hair and protractor..
[9/14, 06:36] Dr. Harish Ravi: And hanging stone from thread
[9/14, 06:47] Dr. Harish Ravi: This device wasn't there in amazon
We just did trigonometry with it..