387 + 379 = 766
139 - 255 = -116
733 * 448 = 328384
80 / 141 = 0.5673758865248227
963 + 212 = 1175
753 - 689 = 64
714 * 355 = 253470
478 / 874 = 0.5469107551487414
78 + 467 = 545
291 - 275 = 16
387 * 946 = 366102
871 / 253 = 3.4426877470355732
113 + 704 = 817
259 - 514 = -255
So yesterday I discussed that when I went to US, I didn't have the ability to withdraw small money from piggy bank, buy something and put back the change wait for next deposit etc. An experience with dollars and pennies I wanted when everything became sad without a research direction for a month..
An experience I want in Bangalore too(this week maybe)!
Also such a need for piggy bank rewards come when stock market simulator is gone temporarily I think..