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Writer's pictureDr. Harish Ravi

Tokamak and energy notes, using other homes and engines as power storage with solar


We used coal worth 1000 years in 100 years to build cities and we have 300 years more reserves. We have to double the consumption for 7 years or use 14 years worth of coal in 7 years to keep the coal and do a full solar switch. Condolences to those stuck in coal mine floods. When mining for coal, sometimes we hit the water table and it then floods all the caves. The only way to avoid would be to use a sonar or pi meson or microwave water table detector after everyday of digging and then stop and dig in other direction. It's expensive and hard. We could just use microwaves and sense loading like an oven for in 10 tunnels even if one floods the who!e mine will flood. Thought of an open microwave to sense the loading. With a cup and half glass of water heated for 30 s as compared to full glass, the full glass was less than half as hot approximately as the resistance of a full glass is slightly more when thinking of 3d radiative heating to find if the glass is half full by looking at the power meter. Half glass 10.5 revolutions and full glass 9.5 where it's 750 rev per kWh. Thus in a tokamak lesser plasma might heat more efficiently. With an open extended cavity the answer maybe different as we have to stop the motor and disable the door alarm. We can make a smaller relavent model. 

The cost of making the nation energy independent is 72000 crores with solar or 0.33 nations earning.

We could have battery less  solar power to grid solution where a 1 kW house has a 2 kW panel to run the house and the villages and rail and metros. If all houses in a city use this kind of technology we can save the state and thus the nation when we run short of fossils. About 10 cities with 10% coverage can generate 40 GW per city enough for a state. 

For a 1kw home with a 4 kW solar panel for 2kW due to sun movement and 12 kWh battery pack, the panel costs 2 lakh and batteries 1 lakh. Every 10 years you make up the 3 lakh but have to replace the batteries. It's still profitable. However, as per my idea from 2010, we could just send excess power back to the grid to save by supplying other houses and trains instead of having a battery and run maximum load when available and send energy back when excess saving 30 %. I would like to make a model of this as a project or post-doc, please let me know if I can try this in the Btech lab. This way the power meter will run in reverse when excess power is generated. This would save cost and pollution while keeping rivers clean and also on the long term, a capital city full of solar panels can generate 10 Gw which should be enough to power a state and the rail and metro/suburban transport on a minimum even if coal runs out 300 years down the line. We can then have horses or electrified roads for local with rail electric cars and small batteries for turns . Ideally this field should have been my BTP or even Ms or PhD. 

In olden days we had cities to exchange goods and merchandise produced elsewhere in the state , now thanks to physics with Gmaps and apps you can direct deliver avoiding the need for cities. During power cuts, load sharing happens as the people use same energy at a different time or with UPS. If we have 2 sources and 2 loads and if one source is down, we keep switching to each load to keep both alive. On the theory of power cuts till the sources go back up.

We need to save from water pollution as coal multiplies effort by a million and we need people to work and spend conservatively on Tokamak keeping solar first.

Coal gives a million x punch in a 1m 1kg coal throw into the furnace but it also has a turbine giving 3.3$ per watt or 16 x

Animals 10 to 50 x

Solar gives 100x 1$ per watt

Windmill 25 x 2.2$ 

Turbine 16 x 3.3 $ per watt

Fission packs a 8 trillion x punch 

Fusion absorbs and slows down our punch now it's like training with resistance to do others better and the infrastructure recovery hasn't started.

We see the multiplication in effort while watering plants and transporting things.

Turbine was invented in 1854 As a suggestion we thought o,f can we use electrostatics with shoe brush array to give charges on the walls to contain it by flexible repulsion from all sides? While containing of hot particles can be simulated, Has anyone tried successful collision to increase in energy to successful containment again several times long enough? People have simulated all particles in CERN with 5 sigma but it's easier than sustainable fusion. To put together such a simulation needs Feyncalc at close approach to find new particles and then do relativistic electrodynamic movement at far distance. One feyncalc simulation takes a minute and an electrodynamic simulation a second which means on a PC it's easy to try atleast one successful reaction to simulate many. Even at such a high temperature there would be at a density of 10^15 per cc and one femto meter and velocity of 100 km PS about 100 collisions a second which means we may need to simulate 100 mins per real second or to simulate 10 second would need 1000 minutes or 16 hours or about a day. Coal to steam engine took 4 decades, Electrons discovery by millikan to solar panels took 100 years and similarly higgs particle to tokamak might take 100 more years till 3018. We might first need to secure by making solar panels and prevent water pollution from industries as coal multiplies human effort by a million and if humans are weak due to pollution how will we build. We need solar panels first to even get power to build it, let's do it slowly and perfectly. Best wishes Doc1dotHR I haven't seen a paper or video on the crux. I might update any results. But to write it takes 500 hrs max. 

The solar panels came in 2010 by which time people had built houses and were in debt we had committed to fusion in 1986. Building the Cern and tokomaks made us smarter to make solar panels.

{Class 1-X2} why not teach mapping math (4),show physics of body movement(4), calcium from soil at an appropriateclass. calculator number theory (6) , Class (1)-units and tensplace, types of games etc why not . (2)- multidigit additiona nd subtraction, environment around us, insects plants and veggies, body (3)-shapes diagonal corner,  multiplication and division, clock, tallying, extraction of different minerals, animals insects, ferns, herbs trees, living and non living things, sense organs, transport, mapping, earth equator etc, (4) Perimeter, area, 4 digits, volue bar graphs, box opening and pyramid, fractional numbers, animal kingdom, plants, water pollution, occupation, festivals, facilities, state, shelter, waste, map, traffic, body, occupation, geographical features (5) 5 digits, angles, circles, data, length, area, 3d figures, patterns,(6) Whole number, geometry, integers, fractions, weight, bar graphs, menstruation, ratio and proportion, shapes, geometry box, food, fibre, sorting, photosynthesis, roots, skeleton, electricity, magnets, garbage (7) Pairs of angles, pair of lines, triangles, rational numbers, symmetry, congruence, consturction, probability, 3d to 2D, indices,percentage, exponents, linear equations, pi, mean, median, mode, cell and organells tissue organ sytem and organism, friction, accelration, work, force, solids , potential and kinetic energy, liquids and gasses, heat and temperature, acids, bases and salts, atom, hard and soft water, diffusion, making hydrogen, organic and inorganic acids, making $CO_2$ with sodium carbonate and hydrochloric acid (Glauber), slaked lime lime $Ca(OH)_2$ Acid or base indicators (litmus, methylorange, phenolphthalein, red cabbage, turmeric), Ammonium hydroxide ($NH_4(OH)$ used to remove ink from clothes and grease, fertilizer like ammonium nitrate dyes, plastics and nylon), sodium carbonate washes clothes, refines petroleum, manufacture of caustic soda, borax, detergents, paper and glass, sodium bicorbonate bread and cakes, antacid in fire extinguisher, copper sulphate, potassium nitrate potash alum $KAl(SO_4))_2$ for water purification.$AgNO_3$ for films Pythogorous theorem triple proof, progressions, circles, conics,  NaCl used for maufacture of chlorine, HCl, $Na_2CO_3$, NaOH and $NaHCO_3$, farmers mix lime or $Ca_2O_3$ to the soil, zeolite permutit $Na_2Al_2Si_3O_10.2H_2O$, Calcium and magnesium salts in water, reproduction, pollution, elctrical circuits, electrical appliances in daily life, light, constellations and galaxies, chemical bonding, chemical reactions, electrolysis, allotropy of carbons and oxygens. (8) Algebra, numbers, axioms, postulates, theorems, factorisation, squares, square-roots, cubes and cube-roots, theorems on triangls , rational numbers, linear equations in one variable,  commercial arithmetic, exponents, congruency and construction of triangles, statistics, graphs, quadrilaterals and mensuration, natural resources, our environment, atom, atoms and molecules, cells, classification of living organisms, microbes, motion, force and newtons laws, energy and its forms, chemical reactions and types, chemicals, water, world of sounds, heat, states of matter, our colorful world, food and its constitutents, nutrition and respiration, reproduction in higher plants, food production, soil and water management evolution of life, earth and beyond (9) Number systems, introduction of euclids geometry, lines and angles, polynomials, triangles, constructions, quadrilaterals, proofs, heron's formula, coordinate geometry, linear equations in 2 variables, areas of paralellograms and triangles, circles, surface areas and volumes, statistics, probability, math modelling, matter in surrounding, atoms and molecules, structure of the atom, cells, tissues, diversity, motion, force and laws of motion, gravitation (10) Arithmetic progressions, triangles, pair of linear equations, circles, constructions, coordinate goemetry, real numbers, polynomials, quadratic equations, trigonometry, statistics, probability, surface areas and volumes, proof and math modelling.chemical reactions and equations, acids, bases and salts, metals and non-metals, life processes, control and coordination, electricity, magnetic effects of electric current and environment, carbon, periodic classification, heridity and evolution, eye, light, energy, sustainability.(11) sets, relations and functions, trigonometric functions, principle of mathematical induction, complex numbers and quadratic equations, linear inequalities, permutations and cominations, binomial theorem, sequences and series, straight lines, conic sections, introduction to 3 D geometry, limits and derivatives, mathematical reasoning, statistics, probability, world, units and measurements, straight line, plane, laws of motion, waves, energy and power, particles and rotation, gravitation, mechanical properties of solids, fluids, thermal properties of matter, thermodynamics, kinetic theory, oscillations, waves, atoms, classification of elements and periodicity, chemical bonding and moluecular struction, states of matter, thermodynamics, equilibrium, redox reactions, hydrogen, s block elements, p block elements, organic chemistry, hydrocarbons, environmental chemistry, diversity, plants and animals, structure and functions, plant physiology, human physiology,  (12)Relations and functions, inverse trigonometric functions, matrices and determinants, continuity and differentiability, derivatives, proofs, solid state, solutions, electrochemistry, chemical kinetics, surface chemistry, general principles isolation of elements, p block elements, d and f block elements, coordination compounds, halo alkanes and halo arenes, alcohols, phenols and ethers, aldehudes, ketones and carboxylic acids, amines, biomolecules, polymers, chemistry in daily life, reproduction, genetics, welfare, biotechnology, ecology. electric charges and fields, potential and capacitance, current electricity, moving charges and magnetism, magnetism and matter, em induction, alternating current, em waves, ray optics and optic instruments, wave optics, dual nature of radiation and matter, atoms, nucleus, semiconductors, communication systems

{Safety protocol} In case we run short of oil due to shipping problems where we produce (20\%) of our petroleum requirement, import we will still have coal (75\%) thus, our metros and trains will run from electricity. People would have to jog or cylce till the stations and keep the nation running for coal multiplies human effort by a million. Feeding animals multiplies effort by 50x, solar by 100x, wind and water by 20x We need to buy solar heating 500 W which collects energy over the day to even run 2 kW - maximum battery powered back up for running pumps. We also need to buy solar pipe based water heater to save electricity. If we all buy these two we can have massive savings for the grid. You can live for 48 days without food, 11 days without sleep and 2 days without water. You need first aid for infections, some pain killers, digestives, boil or purify water

Doc1dotHR , sqrt(|||||)= ||.|| ||| |||||| 

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