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Writer's pictureDr. Harish Ravi

Smartness with the computer, make games or play games?

a=10;b=4;c=a*b;print(c); if b==4: print(a); a=a+10; The 5 lines summarises programming. The result you can guess as 40 10 My most advance code being the less known genaralised eV atomic multi level light atom inter action density matrices I wrote in 2008.

You may copy and paste the program in Python and run it for its 50 Mb and available in the smartphones too. It explains logic , induction etc it's me teaching as a son even if late. Eg press the minimize the screen shrinks. Please contact for clarification that's all there is to programming

Next project neg interest option -0.1% exponential in banks, number of rainfalls in state tax decimal monthly .000 -.125 but if rainfalls exceed 300 due to floods, we can make tax -0.100 or some equation based thing so that the state recieves relief automatically. If in surplus of rains or food it helps other suffering states for politicians are doing this and a small assist may help. We need to simulate to get a good formula, add to shop bill the state with more rains promises more food for the rest of the nation and world, percentage 0-100% of dividend requested in stock market. All nobel class, fault proof. More theory before ites fiasco but we needed the 2 models to make better ones even hindsight testing it wins.

I did the square root proof in a jail like environment at home counting the bars on the window.

Chicken would be harder to make, more effort needed to grow it and it burns carbs in rice to give more Bvitamins. Consider a mixing for marriage of whites and brows / blacks as a thought experiment. When there are 100 people with25 male whites, 25 male blacks and similarly females and we do random marriage, when whites and blacks intermingle, the whites might dissapaer totally. There would be sum of 1 to 50 sq divided by 1 to 100 sq giving 0.24 as probability. From experimental data a blonde and an indian gives an indian son or daughter 1 data point and coziness of heat being reasoning. I know 3 more such couples , Would golden head be in X or Y chromosome. Thus, I don't encourage marriage across races unless approved by a center for diversity for they do approve some marriages based on the belief that a cross race marriage would give a stronger offspring even though looks do matter, its I think a mistaken belief where people can marry in country. Maybe 4 in a billion marry across race.

On a side note, I believe in rights only for LGBTQ if they have a XXY chromosome or something. Basically, I think that normal people will be straight as per natural laws of biology its just some unclear thinking while maybe drinking or some environment which gives these thoughts.

Let's all put solar panel behind the cellphone with a drill, cad diagram, si wafer and doping and sputtering.

I own the ....

Raghav koli and I were given the given the grand challenge at the end of the computer programming season in 1997 to draw a traffic signal. I did the calculations on hand and entered the move coordinates while he used the turtle add and subtract codes for fully predicting the moves totally for the rectangle. He also used the add and subtract to find the circle positions. This process requires lots of thought and a person like me to show the hard coding nearby. Me and him were a great team in turtle. I made the mistake at 4th std age 10 of not reading and understanding his code for it would have made my life perfect and would have avoided illness. As I had the accurate diagram, I was given the opportunity to make a traffic signal by Durga prasad uncle.

Me vignesh and vikram made a test tube full of Laughing has in high school with full application of inorganic. Did i make soap unfortunately not . Anything cool organic ? Don't remember my project was on amino acid profiling. The file still missing. The physics project on primaty electro chemical cell . Still takes 10 days to repeat even for me.

Me and Vikram played and analysed lots of games and understood science, me and Karthik did a lot of elctronic engineerging robots and games, me and kishore did power electronics, me Karthik and chinmoy the image processing robots, me and Harish Reddy made a calculator , so on onto bigger projects where I worked with some women too. On an average I found the women in the top schools to be more intelligent than me. Aaron Markovitz helped in writing a sample code of automatic Lorentz fitting in MATLAB.

I like to call myself with a nick name Doggang Cookerly in honor of my Guru in Atomic physics Wolfgang ketterly , Santa oh Bill Philips and my guide Prof. Vasant Natarajan as I have an upcoming patent on the cooker and atom gas, I calculated for the atomic clock in GPS and oh its faulty, better treat me like a VIP so we can update the calculations please read my atomic physics phd thesis in DOC1dotHR.pdf to save aircrafts. Next product would come after another 10 khrs.

I am thinking and simulating about integrating Feyncalc in Mathematica with CAD for Tokamak, self driving car with just a smartphone plus steering motor auto pilot 4 point 2 D fractal traveling algorithm, twin drill with CAD of smartphone to put a solar panel behind, negative interest option for philanthrophy in Banks, Stocks, 1.xx paracetamol and 2.yy antibiotic for 99.zz temperature fever and the dam height for correct pressure release to avoid floods based on rainfall data from clouds from satellites and even change state tax credibly (100 rains which implies 18.100% tax for eg so that we give more to neighbouring state to avoid surplus and for cooperation). I need all the help i can find and wish to collaborate massively like MOOC. I would also like to come work in your company as an employee with flexibility to deliver the project. I am planning to use amazon cloud supercomputers (Paid). The rain tax gives nation perspective to others.

Based on 2000 k cal per day, body runs at 100 W and Stefan's law we get 107 degF as body temp Yet to account for convection based on GE intern. Paracetamol changes some enzyme in Krebs cycle. Coming with the numbers over time. Ultimately people need only a sci prog solar panel calculator. The alcohol cycle and schedule H to interview dose aren't well researched and I ll try to do it .

One can write a CSV file as given in and write a hard code for rubics cube moves. Then randomize and use Boltzmann approximation to see distance in code space from real result and keep moving. The moves can be coded with Python import and arrays and export. One can have games just with a computer and python and make own games. Let's play chocolate chess with 32 people and about 100 toffees where when the piece conquers they give a chocolate and the receiver eats the given chocolate and his ir her chocolate and goes off board and starts runNing around or for their job.

If we have an iticket like billing option where paper bill can be delivered on the month with request to save trillions in paper and fuel for delivery as people can pay electronically or with registration number at billing centre., Paperless electronic education as detailed in blog.

(2#$!Things to teach a child during educationGOFER : Gather, organize, plan, act, feedback move.Time tuning : Find available time, stability and what to do with it.Values : Hedontic, benovelance, self transcendence, conformalMorals : Preconventional, conventional, post conventionalNegotiations : Ballpark, Bogey, Chicken, deadlines, strategyProblemsolving : Rapids, Neo (start with humor), Morphious (understand system), OODA, (Observe, orient, detect, Act), FISH, Trial and error, step by stepDecision making : Cognitive, intuitive, normativeSociety : Conform comply obey, norms attitutdes, Social IdentityConcience, Faith :) Grounding if out of 6 sigma behaviour => Pull down respect - entertainment and songsBefore sending a text message, hold for 1 week like post.Call, people pick up in India and not abroad unless officesScience, Mathematics, Social studies, Language => Sign, meanings and code; Grammar&morphology; Semantics & Pragmatics, Syllables suprasegmental, Syntax => Sentance Noun (Article, Noun); Predicate (verb); Preposition (on), Noun prahse ( the mat), adjectiveAnger ManageCause : Accept reality, some goal/value not met, being in reality, understand empathy, happyness/fairness doctorine, in other person's shoes, assume best intent, look for positivity.Health way : Take a few breaths before conversation, fake a laugh or grin.It all needs time and peace :)

xd6-9 : Ready, Breakfast, excercise9-11 : Elec11-12 : Languageczzc 1-2 : Lunch2-4 : Physics4-6: Language6-8 : RevisionDinner8-10:30 :Centralized notes for all formulaeLanguage : Sign, meanings, code, Agronomy : strata and types of plants at various levels, fruiting, flowering etc etc.Psychology : Intelligence, learning, attention, personality, remembering, thinking, motivation

The sun has 24 hr time period and the moon 24 hrs 50 mins or gives a factor of 14.497 and if we know the zenith on one day, we can track it for all days and for waxing and waning.

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