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Writer's pictureDr. Harish Ravi

Renewing bank and Topsci turvey FBECiH

Pure English or poor english

India offers internationals visa I am still trying to expand lets see and am looking. There might be other companies! But my parents are hosting me now and I am not sure they are too happy with how things went you would have to try but after coming here. See I was hosted there but why shouldn't we host here, I am doing in good taste!

4things could have stopped a lot of problems dot com bubble data sharing option phone to phone at each phones central office, Finance and market bubble neg interest and reset options and use old currency at Land and housing bubble prop tax proportional to land cost inv to farming produce no electronic od water give money or get a tAnker govt, farming and fishing AI farm bills and photo data with a spezkrr. 

People can join also anywhere in India (we can talk slowly) can work with me just need NOC from where you live. I was thinking of a small toy or something fun may be a cieling fan with 3 solar panels. Still yet to show even 1np profit with GST. Maybe even coffee or something for fun. Something like a virtual partnership where you might have lesser commitment.

I am also looking for an engagement with a woman lets fight life together. We can also do a registered marriage if life pans out but yeah tough luck fighting with doctors, at least they can go to the edge of allowed level. Very difficult statistically though. Lets make and keep friends for moral support, its the same thing. If you want to contribute from a developed country, you can just send an online gift to my home. Same thing giving a gift card etc. How do we send on FB? Just find their email on some website . Securing it is difficult you give something you get back something else totally unrelated. It feels so good when we give from far and they also try. Intercontintinental H marriage : 2 witness of a meal together we might not even meet till 40 due to the Hot shot monkey dancing at this level.

I am time, read my EDM and I am hot read my to be published thermal conductance paper. Seeds are sown somewhere, reaped, cooked, packaged, protected fertilized and watered etc. Its all national and international. Go for win-win. Jobless? sow something and take a pic and share location lets have fun growing something.

Read first and discuss with me. English and language in document is different. I have put mine and dine neurons on the moon. 

A story of tech and future Challenges quotient, highly incoherent fun to laugh at will it work? Does the screen generate power from interconnects most dense.

Tried running 0.5 Hp pump with 900 VA ups and went into overload due to starting after I switched off mains from home. Need to put a smaller wattage pump. Did it during a power cut. Now I can give power to 30 homes for a full charge of a phone through mains but when off. I wouldn't try it at home when on because my ups does not have power factor sync to run meter reverse.

Rf Genereator Rf based generator to get Straight Ac to run a motor 1M to 100Ghz an audio transformer which can operate up to 20 kHz . It’s just Johnson noise p Design an ultra wide bandwidth stationary antenna. Antenna array means you can pick frequencies. Connect em all in phase and temperature range 2-50k in 100 G plus minus 50G. Micron discs Array Glass or even paper put a spiral spray and how will you interconnect. Imagine the worlds largest IC cake. The biggest IC pentimento was only 10 Sq cm. There might be 1 msq no dicing Just two outputs and there put a motor and let it sail. Power per unit area

Dot com bubble

Can we beat the dot com bubble? Say in prepaid, I use 100 MB of my allowed 1gb or use 10 calls instead of 200 , will a person in the same area without any plan say an old man get connection say once a month on the 1st, to check the news pay a few bills better than just wasting a phone or simcard if they get sick. Might be good before 7 G etc.  

Area Micron square Power 10 p w Total power 1W per msq. 100MHz 300k planets etc . Same power 1 w per msq. We can harvest what we are transmitting and what the cosmos is going . Cost per watt 100 MHz 100 M 20 Rupess . Should we worship the sun or the big bank photon era or matter era Can we get energy from gwaves. Hold a coin to feel good. Cracker generator Followed by Cracker generator by using solar and turbine Life in city At 1 cm per sec it takes at a depth of 1 km a day or a week to reach water table. Silicon extreme Use existing broken pieces and pn junctions to just interconnect and make a quantum device or at least diodes or put light while doping and see a variation and do some quantum cryptography based salvaging. Cell phones Satellites between countries entertainment and gps with agps. Do we have pure gps for data conservation. Optics and other big cables by submarines . Can we collect magnetic field data to navigate? and g waves data for fun? Some birds travel with magnetic field sensors. Solar juicy So juice Basically a black box just twist it into a non fruiting tree bark and share the phloem and xylem a few drops A tree suckler Something basically before chopping eat and then Just metal capacitor piernces for capacitive suction and collection and delivery in a thimble in a day. 10ml just a baby suckler with a usb insert and piernces. Leave till it fills suckle

Basically a bin with solar lining a peltier cooler and a turbine water tube to generate water from cooker. H The above is a small cracker generator for a pigment of imagination 

Story :

Say I get a nobel prize for 100 million $ and am too tired to start a ngo foundation. 1hr humans 200W 0.2 Re electrical 0.2 Mj food for human 30 Rs same. Humans are less respected by money than machines.

1. I need a toggle switch in accounts options 3% you give anyway, 0% option you are just paying electricity to keep someones money? If someone pays just cash and you store it with security 

See they gave 100 million which means they also are sending some food. How do I help the farm become better and grow more and give some back. 

Best is toggle switch first step 1. -10 % and 3 % I cant eat 10 million meals in a day. We are suppost to do so much. Best right.

Inside India somebody started some great mill in their 30s made a huge industry and want some others to benfit in 60s. Same thing. We want some youth to come and grow.

On a side note in developed countries they might want a higher rate for the poor. Why have an IRs at all?


1. Toggle rate of interest + and -  there, positive max is fixed because others share the bank. Negative means you are giving others get more. 

See loan is unfair in India nobody can take a loan starting at 0 Rs like a talented child and refill it and take a vacation in 10 years. 

Summary elders can eat happily and excrete happilly. Most fundamental. This might reduce crime, increase longivity for or else humans might just go on farming and just fall down. First coin? Just a rock with a circle.

All the best I am open to an intern with a Wharton Course era degree and 10th standard tax and codeschool badges. The intern should be with two programmers, test and sit there till new employee comes in simulate and show and then who approves? The owner of the previous software who might be old. Comps came in 1980s to india and 1940s in UK?

Contributing to govt and country

GST just pay tax without selling goods or collecting mone. EG I want to pay for reading under streetlight.

Income tax. Over pay tax by quoting more salary and not collecting TDs.

Donation giving and claiming.

Buy tickets and not going. Lesscrowd, water use, less weightease for security escalators etc.

Tips gifts 

Mag cooling

Stock, futures and option, playing to lose

bank,  Fd ? 

What is the conclusion have a huge capital give and walk around. Now what about the poor?

Option to increase interest if income is small,

Tax put negative and get refund. Why should NGOs and non profit file tax.

Receiving etc

Money for walking as security

Some ideas might get implimented

Request all families to offer free meals or water by sharing location when in surplus on Google Maps and using sharing. Plan the corp plantation by sowing and marking. Harvest also can be done by another. Spotting animals to eat and killing by army will also be simpler.

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