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Games and markings with marker pen to do urgently to play sane And the human body
The human body on Apple C.anatomy Come play games for kids or adults, with a marker pen, for a chess board need to mark a1 to a8 to h1 to...
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An Adventure in the mind for better health and work come back to Integral x^2/3 equals x^3/9
M It starts with speedometer where you start with double plus visualisation of gear train  then it goes to 2D motion then 3D then atoms...
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The alu
[12/07, 13:01] Dr. Harish Kelvin Ravi: #The ALU has digital circuits for sum, subtraction, multiplication and comparision. #The challenge...
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My fun story 🎖🎲 Didn’t do Cs in 2004
I fell sick because I didn’t keep an electrical and physics book backup at home before going to college. Recommend others to keep it....
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My first successful game other than chess and Rubiks cube
Heres a game which guesses the number I have and tells with as many guesses as possible a=2 import random n=0 ha=1 while ha==1: ...
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